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The Office of Faculty Development and Diversity strives to improve the faculty experience with a wide range of resources to help you achieve personal and academic success.



Mentoring relationships are an excellent way to enhance professional growth and improve career satisfaction. Our mentorship guide is offered as a resource to support mentoring activities at Cedars-Sinai.

Search Committees

Outreach for Faculty Candidates for Minorities

Articles and Resources

Physician Wellness

These resources and articles help enhance strategies for resilience and wellbeing.

COVID-19 Resources for Faculty Development

Medical Professional Societies

Professional Societies: Medical professional societies (e.g., the Society of General Internal Medicine, American College of Surgeons) provide excellent venues to showcase faculty scholarship through oral presentations, workshops and posters. The societies also offer an opportunity for faculty to engage with colleagues nationally or regionally, develop professional networks and obtain leadership roles in one’s discipline.

Have Questions or Need Help?

If you have questions or would like to learn more about the Office of Faculty Development & Diversity, please call or send us a message.

Silvia Guzman, Program Advisor