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Research Areas

We engage in clinical translational research to identify and test interventions to improve health with aging by targeting key hallmarks of aging, such as cellular senescence, metabolism, mitochondrial function, epigenetic modification, the gut microbiome, and others.

Clinical Trials

We engage in translational clinical trials testing the effect of interventions to promote healthspan in older adults. Interventions include repurposed pharmacologic agents, novel agents, nutritional supplements, and behavioral interventions, such as diet and exercise. We examine the impact of these on several measures of healthspan, including physical function, frailty, disability, cognition, and emotional well-being. Our trials are translational and involve collection of biospecimens along with clinical phenotype data such that we examine the impact of interventions on cellular process and mechanisms underlying aging. We are also engaged in several multi-site clinical trials.

Translational Research

We conduct pre-clinical and clinical translational research to increase our understanding of aging biology and to examine the effect of interventions on the hallmarks of aging in cells, blood, and tissues.

Population-based Research and Clinical Innovation