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Christodoulou Lab

Cedars-Sinai researcher, Anthony G. Christodoulou, PhD.
Personal Statement

Our long-term research goal is to enable comprehensive quantification of multiple MR biomarkers in a single, short “push-button” scan that simultaneously quantifies multiple biomarkers—for any organ and for a wide range of diseases. Our first major step toward this goal, “MR Multitasking,” redesigns the quantitative MRI process to allow fast, accurate and repeatable motion-resolved quantitative imaging—enabling non-ECG, free-breathing quantification of multiple tissue parameters at once, even in the heart and abdomen."

Anthony G. Christodoulou, PhD

Breakthrough Research Areas

  • Motion-resolved quantitative imaging
  • Multiparameter mapping in the heart
  • Multidimensional cancer imaging
  • Physics-based deep learning image reconstruction

Meet Our Team

Learn more about the scientists, faculty members, investigators and other healthcare professionals of the Christodoulou Laboratory, whose dedicated efforts lead to groundbreaking discoveries.

Contact the Christodoulou Lab

8700 Beverly Blvd
PACT Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90048