Salvy Lab
Research conducted in the Salvy Laboratory focuses on developing and implementing scalable and sustainable obesity and diabetes interventions across the life course. Much of this work focuses on environmental, intergenerational and social transmission, and seeks to understand how the world around us influences our behavior and overall health. Over the last nine years, Salvy and her colleagues have spearheaded the cultural tailoring and clinical implementation of behavioral obesity and diabetes interventions in economically, ethnically and racially diverse populations in Southern California and Central Alabama.

Personal Statement
"I strive to creatively translate behavioral principles into clinical innovations. I am especially interested in individual and program characteristics associated with treatment effectiveness and maintenance, and in developing innovative strategies to optimize behavior change."
Sarah-Jeanne Salvy, PhD
Ongoing Work
- Avoid/Resist Trial: Self-Regulatory Strategies to Optimize Weight Management (NIDDK R01DK130851, Principal Investigator: Salvy) NCT05143931. Contact us if interested.
- FoodRules! Supplementing Pediatric Weight Management with Inhibitory Control Training (Principal Investigator: Salvy) NCT04747548.
- CHRONO Trial: Time-Restricted Eating and Cancer: Clinical Outcomes, Mechanisms, and Moderators (NCI R01CA258222; Principal Investigators: Figueiredo, Salvy, Peterson) NCT04722341. Contact us if interested.
- Walk and Play Trial: Cognitive Training Through Gaming and Walking (Hope Warshaw Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle; Principal Investigator: Salvy) NCT04638413
- CLOCK Trial: Using Early Time-Restricted Feeding and Timed Light Therapy to Improve Glycemic Control in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes (DoDPR172125; Principal Investigator: Peterson) NCT04155619
- Supplementing Adult Weight Management with Inhibitory Control Training (Principal Investigator: Salvy) NCT04747886
Delivering obesity prevention as part of Maternal and Child Health Services:
- HABITS Trial: Habit formation intervention to prevent obesity in low-income preschoolers and their mothers (U54MD000502; Principal Investigators: Salvy & Dutton) NCT03433456
- Healthy Habits Trial: In-home obesity prevention in low-income infants through maternal and social transmission (R01HD092483; Principal Investigators: de la Haye & Salvy) NCT03529695
- Sample Material
- Congressional Briefing Report (PDF)
- Gareth Dutton, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Kayla de la Haye, University of Southern California
- Michael Goran, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
- Aaron Seitz, University of California, Riverside
- Hollie Raynor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Gary Foster, Weight Watchers International
- Courtney Peterson, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Jennifer Raymond, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
- Alaina Vidmar, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
- Deborah Cohen, Kaiser Permanente
- Booster Shot Media
Meet Our Team
Learn more about the scientists, faculty members, investigators and other healthcare professionals of the Salvy Laboratory, whose dedicated efforts lead to groundbreaking discoveries.