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McGovern Lab

Personal Statement

Currently, I am professor of medicine, director of translational medicine, co-director of the Mucosal Immunology Repository for Inflammatory and Digestive Diseases biobank, director of Precision Health for Cedars-Sinai and the Joshua L. and Lisa Z. Greer Chair in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Genetics at Cedars-Sinai. I joined Cedars-Sinai in 2007 after completing my clinical training and my doctorate at the University of Oxford, UK."

Dermot P. McGovern, MD, PhD

The McGovern Laboratory, or Translational Genomics Group (TGG), is involved in studies to identify additional susceptibility genes in European populations as well as to identify genes associated with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) in the Puerto Rican, Asian, Ashkenazi Jewish and African American populations. The identification of these genes leads to a greater understanding of the underlying processes and causes that lead to IBD.


  • Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA)
  • European Union — FP7 mechanism
  • The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust
  • National Institute of Health (NIDDK, NIAID)
Meet Our Team

Learn more about the scientists, faculty members, investigators and other healthcare professionals of the McGovern Laboratory, whose dedicated efforts lead to groundbreaking discoveries.

Brant SR, Okou DT, Simpson CL, Cutler DJ, Haritunians T, Bradfield JP, Chopra P, Prince J, Begum F, Kumar A, Huang C, Venkateswaran S, Datta LW, Wei Z, Thomas K, Herrinton LJ, Klapproth JA, Quiros AJ, Seminerio J, Liu Z, Alexander JS, Baldassano RN, Dudley-Brown S, Cross RK, Dassopoulos T, Denson LA, Dhere TA, Dryden GW, Hanson JS, Hou JK, Hussain SZ, Hyams JS, Isaacs KL, Kader H, Kappelman MD, Katz J, Kellermayer R, Kirschner BS, Kuemmerle JF, Kwon JH, Lazarev M, Li E, Mack D, Mannon P, Moulton DE, Newberry RD, Osuntokun BO, Patel AS, Saeed SA, Targan SR, Valentine JF, Wang MH, Zonca M, Rioux JD, Duerr RH, Silverberg MS, Cho JH, Hakonarson H, Zwick ME, McGovern DP, Kugathasan S.

Gastroenterology. 2017 Jan;152(1):206-217.e2.

Yang SK, Hong M, Oh H, Low HQ, Jung S, Ahn S, Kim Y, Baek J, Lee CH, Kim E, Kim KM, Ye BD, Kim KJ, Park SH, Lee HS, Lee I, Shin HD, Han B, McGovern DP, et al.

Gastroenterology. 2016 Dec;151(6):1096-1099.e4.

Siegel CA, Whitman CB, Spiegel BM, Feagan B, Sands B, Loftus EV, Panaccione R, D'Haens G, Bernstein CN, Gearry R, Ng SC, Mantzaris GJ, Sartor B, Silverberg MS, Riddell R, Koutroubakis IE, O'Morain C, Lakatos PL, McGovern DP, et al.

Gut. First published online 2016 Oct 25.

Contact the McGovern Lab

110 George Burns Rd.
Davis Building, Rooms 4094 A, B
Los Angeles, CA 90048

8730 Alden Dr., Suite E244
Los Angeles, CA 90048