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Lab Members

Sung Hoon Baik
Postdoctoral Scientist

Sung Hoon Baik received his bachelor’s degree from Yonsei University and earned both his master’s and doctorate from Seoul National University in South Korea. He focused on intravital brain imaging using multi-photon microscopy and studied metabolic reprogramming of brain innate immune cells in Alzheimer’s disease during his PhD course. He has joined Dr. Underhill’s lab to study functional phenotypes of innate immune cells. His current research interest focuses on the relationship between cellular metabolisms and inflammasome activation in phagocytic cells.

Courtney Becker
Lab Manager
Diana Hernandez
Research Associate II
Katherine Lagree, PhD
Postdoctoral Scientist

Katherine Lagree, PhD, received her bachelor's degree from Ohio State University. She earned her doctorate at Carnegie Mellon University, where she studied the genetic determinants of Candida albicans biofilm formation and carbon utilization in the laboratory of Aaron Mitchell, PhD. Her current research in the Underhill Laboratory focuses on Malassezia species and their role in inflammatory bowel disease.

Kai Li, PhD
Postdoctoral Scientist

Kai Li, PhD, received both his bachelor's and master's degrees in China. He moved to Germany in 2013 and earned his doctorate in 2018 from the Technical University of Munich. Li studied the function of a C-type lectin receptor Clec12A in the innate immune system under the supervision of Jürgen Ruland, PhD. Li's current research interests focus on the interaction between host mycobiota and the immune system in autoimmune disease settings.

Abraham Rodriguez
Research Associate I

Abraham Rodriguez, BS, received his bachelor's degree from the University of California Santa Cruz. He has experience managing a lab and a mouse colony. His current role in the Underhill Laboratory will support Dr. Katherine Lagree’s work and the mouse colony.

Contact the Underhill Lab

8700 Beverly Blvd.
Davis Building, Room 4094F
Los Angeles, CA 90048