Golden Lab
Our primary focus is to understand neurodevelopment in relation to health and disease. Specifically, we aim to elucidate the molecular and cellular basis for cell migration and differentiation during brain development. This understanding enables us to delve into the molecular pathogenesis of developmental epilepsies, intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder more fully, with the ultimate goal of developing novel therapeutic strategies.

Personal Statement
I am a physician-scientist with clinical training as a pediatric neuropathologist. My academic career has focused on understanding normal and abnormal brain development, with a particular focus on patterning, migration and differentiation disorders of the nervous system. My lab uses a combination of mouse genetics, molecular and cellular biology and human pathology, to investigate human neurodevelopmental disorders."
Jeffrey Golden, MD

Breakthrough Research
- Elucidating the pathophysiological roles of aristaless-related homeodomain transcription factor (ARX) in brain development
- Investigating cell migration and differentiation during forebrain development using in vivo and in vitro model systems
- Studying cortical malformations associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, including lissencephaly, microcephaly, megalencephaly, polymicrogyria, etc.
Learn more about the recent research publications from the Golden Lab.
Laboratory Team
Learn more about the scientists, faculty members, investigators and other healthcare professionals of the Golden Lab, whose dedicated efforts lead to groundbreaking discoveries.
Job Opportunities
We are actively recruiting students and postdocs to be our colleagues and expand lab knowledge and expertise to make important breakthroughs.
The Golden Lab collaborates with a wide range of investigators within Cedars-Sinai and institutions around the world.
- Eric Marsh, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- Jenny Hsieh, University of Texas San Antonio
- Chris Walsh, Harvard Medical School/Boston Children’s Hospital
- David Walt, Broad Institute/Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women’s Hospital
- Rex Moats, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Contact the Golden Lab
127 S. San Vicente Blvd
Advanced Health and Science Pavilion, A8220
Los Angeles, CA 90048