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Metzger Lab

Personal Statement

As a biomechanical engineer, my focus is to investigate how living systems like the human body respond to applied forces through engineering principles. While this concept dates back to Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo, advances in orthopaedic medicine continue to evolve, presenting new challenges that keep us on our toes. To address these challenges, the Biomechanics Lab at Cedars-Sinai has developed numerous testing schemes designed to analyze the spine, knee, elbow, shoulder, hip, foot and ankle, so we can better understand the physiologic function, injury and reconstruction of these orthopaedic systems.

Melodie Metzger, PhD

Breakthrough Research


Learn more about the recent research publications from the Metzger Lab.

Laboratory Team

Orthopaedic Biomechanics Equipment

From a servohydraulic tabletop testing system to real-time motion capture capabilities, the Metzger Lab uses state-of-the art equipment to analyze the forces and moments that act on and in the human body.


The Metzger Lab collaborates with a wide range of investigators within Cedars-Sinai and institutions around the world.

Contact the Metzger Lab

8700 Beverly Blvd.
Davis Building, Room 6006
Los Angeles, CA 90048