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INSPIRE at Cedars-Sinai

Inspiring New Scientists through Professional Internships and Research Experience (INSPIRE) is a summer program at Cedars-Sinai designed to introduce current students and recent graduates to research in a healthcare setting through hands-on training and virtual workshops.

Students participate in INSPIRE internships on-site. Information about the program, hosting an INSPIRE intern, student applications and program timelines can be found below.

INSPIRE Internships

  • Principles of the research process (clinical, bench or translational research)
  • Safety regulations for working in laboratory and research areas
  • Appropriate use of protected health information (PHI)
  • Research study design and hypothesis development 
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Scientific literature review process
  • Methods for writing an abstract, including endnotes and source citing
  • Research discussions and presentation skills (lab meetings, Journal Clubs)

Apply to INSPIRE

Have Questions or Need Help?

Contact us if you have questions or would like more information about our Internship Programs at Cedars-Sinai.