Gottlieb Lab
The Gottlieb Laboratory, led by Roberta A. Gottlieb, MD, is studying the molecular mechanisms regulating mitochondria in the heart’s response to ischemic injury. The Gottlieb Lab is also exploring the metabolic output of mitochondria (ATP, NADH/NAD+, AcCoA, etc.) that affect chromatin structure and gene expression including miRNAs. The goal of the Gottlieb Laboratory is to identify druggable pathways that can mitigate postinfarction heart failure. In earlier work, the Gottlieb Lab found that autophagy and mitophagy play a central role in the heart's tolerance to ischemic injury. Autophagy, or intracellular recycling, is diminished in aged animals or in those that develop diet-induced obesity and glucose intolerance. Our lab uses cells, mice, large animals and human tissue to study autophagy, mitophagy and mitochondrial biogenesis in order to restore its beneficial activity in the diseased heart. The Gottlieb Lab's focus on mitochondria has led to multiple collaborations within and outside of Cedars-Sinai, including studying many diseases in which mitochondria play an important role, such as cancer, autoimmune disease, liver disease and more.
Gottlieb Lab members contribute their expertise to the Cedars-Sinai Mitochondria, Metabolism and Cardiac Phenotyping Core.
The Gottlieb Laboratory is affiliated with the Cedars-Sinai Smidt Heart Institute, Barbra Streisand Women's Heart Center, Department of Medicine and Department of Biomedical Sciences.

Personal Statement
Roberta Gottlieb, MD, obtained her bachelor’s and medical degrees from Johns Hopkins University. She trained in pediatrics and hematology/oncology at University of Texas, Houston, and did postdoctoral work at University of California, San Diego."
Roberta Gottlieb, MD
Researchers in the Gottlieb Lab are exploring the roles of autophagy and mitophagy in the heart in both health and disease settings. We have found that autophagic removal of damaged mitochondria (mitophagy) is important for protecting the heart against ischemia/reperfusion injury.
Collaborations & Resources
- Arditi Laboratory
- Bhowmick Laboratory
- Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute
- Cancer Institute
- Cardio-Oncology Program
- Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle (CIRCL)
- Coleman Nursing Research Genetics Team
- Lawrence Czer, MD
- Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute
- Jefferies Laboratory
- Lu Laboratory
- Lyden Laboratory
- Pandol Laboratory
- Smidt Cardiac Tissue Biorepository
- Sutterwala and Cassel Laboratory
- Van Eyk Laboratory
- F. Widjaja Foundation Inflammatory Bowel and Immunobiology Research Institute
- Yu Laboratory
- We make our published plasmids available through Addgene
- Our αMHC-mCherry-LC3 mice are available from Jackson Labs
- Our MitoTimer mice are available from Jackson Labs
- Seahorse Bioscience XFe24, XF96, and XFp extracellular flux analyzers
- Keyence BZ-9000 Fluorescence Microscope
- Langendorff mouse and rat heart perfusion setups
Meet Our Team
Learn more about the scientists, faculty members, investigators and other healthcare professionals of the Gottlieb Laboratory, whose dedicated efforts lead to groundbreaking discoveries.
Contact the Gottlieb Lab
127 S. San Vicente Blvd.
Pavilion, A9100
Los Angeles, CA 90048